Saturday, January 10, 2015


I left Beijing a little after 9 this morning.  After about an hour flight, I arrived safely in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.  The "American" version is "ho - hot (or maybe hut)" or something like that.  Somehow the Chinese make it 4 syllables.  I will have the Chinese version down before we leave.  It is definitely still China, but the landscape and infrastructure feels slightly different.  Far, far less English speakers here and not as many English subtitles.  I may be dreaming, but it seems like the people look slightly different here too.  I am super glad to be here.  The orphanage brings Jeremiah to the hotel tomorrow afternoon!

I grabbed a bite to eat at a restaurant around the corner.  I had celebrity status aka "stare at the American".  Lots of stares, smirks, and giggles.  I've learned to just wave and smile.  That makes some really comfortable and some really freak out.  I ordered some dish with veal and some pork dumplings.  It was fantastic.  It was 80 yuan (about 12 bucks).  I never know if I am supposed to tip or not.  The waiter that came running after me with the 20 yuan I left on the table reminded me I don't tip waiters.  I explored for a bit.  I am in downtown Hohhot.  There is a shopping center near the hotel.  I dabbled there for a few minutes, but hit sensory overload and came back.  I'll try it again over the next few days.

Next post should have the star of the show!

1 comment:

  1. Matt I can't wait. I'm so excited as I know you are to. Thank you for the awesome journaling and pictures
